Endorsement from Reputable Global organisations

Every company is endorsed and entrusted by an orgnisation. This results in confusion and as a consumer, we are not sure what we are getting and if it is the best of us.

This is the page that we break down who certifies Dormiente and why do they matter in helping you to choose a bed that you need. 

Endorsment: IGR


IGR is the Association of the Back Posture Trainers in Germany, They evaluate products in terms of health with a focus on the back and spine.


Getting certified by Fairtrade, that means we are committed to create better working conditions on plantations, and stablising small agriculutre groups by providing fair prices paid for raw materials grown.

Global Organic Textile Standards

Global Organic Textile Standards or GOTS endorses the textile procured and the processed have been made to organic standards. The label also ensures that no chemical flame retardants or polyurethane were used in the manufacturing process.

Endorsment: GOLS

Global Organic Latex Standards

Global Organic Latex Standards (or GOLS) is the first and most comprehensive international standard covering the sustainable production of natural latex. Rigorous and compprehensive testing is done to comply to the strict critera relating to enviromental and social standards. Like the GOTS, the GOLS label also certifies that no chemical flame retardants or polyurethane were used.

Endorsment: Eco Institut

Eco Institut

An independent lab known for analysing products with a focus on detecing chemicals that is harmdul to health. They are reputable and well known to be impartial in natural products such as mattress and the procurment of raw material process used in the production of mattress. Test results are able to be produced upon request but only in the German language

Quality Associatrion for Enviromental Agreed Mattress

The Quality Association for Environmentally-Agreed Mattresses (QUL) is a prominent certification body focused on setting stringent standards for the production of natural and organic mattresses. By certifying products like those offered by Dormiente, QUL ensures they meet rigorous health, environmental, and safety criteria without the use of harmful chemicals.


A very reputable and influential magazine in Germany. The main focus of Öko-Test is to test and alanlyze products of daily use on effects of human health and enviroment. Results are then published publically and independently. Test Products include: Natural Kids and Flexopillo

Endorsement: Green Brand Award

The Green Brand Award 2024

The Green Brand Award originated as an international independent brand evaluation and certification initiative focused on recognizing eco-friendly brands and sustainable practices across various industries. Ever since reciving the award from 2021, signifies that Dormiente has successfully met stringent ecological criteria, reinforcing their dedication to green initiatives. Assuring Dormiente's customers ongoing efforts to reduce environmental impact while maintaining high-quality, sustainable products.

Endorsement: Sustainability Seal

Sustainability Seal 2024

The Seal of Sustainability is a certification awarded to products and companies that demonstrate outstanding commitment to environmental and social responsibility. This certification evaluates various aspects, including sustainable sourcing of materials, eco-friendly production processes, and ethical labor practices.

Endorsement LGA


The Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern (LGA) is a German technical service provider specializing in testing, inspection, and certification services. Known for its rigorous standards, LGA conducts comprehensive evaluations to ensure product safety, quality, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is a global alliance that promotes sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification. Established in 1999, PEFC ensures that forest-based products, such as timber and paper, are sourced from forests managed with high environmental, social, and economic standards. PEFC certification is recognized worldwide and supports local forest certification systems, making it highly adaptable to diverse forest ecosystems and management practices.

Forest Stewardship Council

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit organization established in 1993 to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. FSC certification ensures that products, such as timber and paper, are sourced from forests that meet rigorous environmental, social, and economic standards. FSC is widely recognized for its commitment to sustainable forest management and its comprehensive certification process, which includes strict criteria for forest management and chain of custody tracking.

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